Breathe in, breathe out


Several months ago I asked my friend, the author Robert Hughes, how he deals with writer’s block, which had been plaguing me for months.

He suggested that I force myself to write for an hour every day, to fill the page with anything that came to mind.  Through the discipline of doing so, something would eventually click, and I’d find my way.

I’d just begun to follow his advice when I got sick.  Really sick.  And while I wasn’t conscious for the worst of it, I’m told I was critical for a number of days.  There was a very real possibility that I wouldn’t make it.

In the hospital for over two weeks, I’m still recuperating, gradually regaining my strength.  This isn’t the story I’d been struggling for months to express; I’m so rusty I’m not even sure I can still write at all.  But this is a story I need to tell.


It came on suddenly, with a moderate fever I thought signaled a recurrence of the flu I’d suffered in February.  A flu swab test proved negative, however, and with no cough, no vomiting, and my lungs sounding clear, my doctor believed it was a virus that would run its course.

Two days later I could barely stand, and with my husband at work that Sunday, I called 911 for the first time in my life.

I remember very little about my stay at Highland Park Hospital, where I was quickly transferred to the intensive care unit.  Snatches of that experience are all I have: an oxygen mask placed over my face; my husband, Andy, stroking my hand; his quiet conference with the doctor across the room.  Later I learned that my breathing had been alarmingly labored, my heart rate accelerating in time with my fever as it spiked to over 104.

Early Tuesday morning, my respiration still unregulated, intubation was deemed necessary, to, as the nurses told Andy, “give my lungs a chance to heal.”  Drugs to calm me as the breathing tube was inserted were only marginally successful; apparently I fought the procedure bitterly, struggling against the restraints at my wrists, unable to relax despite powerful sedating drugs, like propofol, and the painkiller fentanyl, coursing through my system.

My condition remained unchanged for two and a half days.  As explained to me later, I was taking 60 to 70 breaths per minute, when 12 is normal; my heart rate should have been between 55 and 62, but was consistently over 120, surging to 140 when my fever soared.  Most worrisome, my carbon dioxide level had risen to 99, when the high end of normal is 45.

Even with the ventilator and massive antibiotics, begun intravenously when I first arrived at the hospital, I was not improving.  In fact, I was steadily getting worse.

What had at first appeared to be a bad flu or perhaps a simple pneumonia was proving much more serious.  The nurses had, in fact, initially told Andy that I probably did have the flu, that oral swabs like the one my internist had taken in her office were often inaccurate.  He wanted desperately to believe this, that with rest and antibiotics I’d be home in a few days.

His faith was shaken, though, when he realized that even in my delirium I sensed how sick I was, telling him on Monday evening — although I have no memory of doing so — that I didn’t think I’d get better.

By Wednesday they’d moved from referring to my sedation as “twilight” to “paralytic,” anything, it seemed, to avoid the term “medically-induced coma.”  But that was the truth of my condition.


My daughter Natalie came to the hospital every day from her home in the city, hovering at my bedside in the ICU, joined by my husband between stints at his office.  Friends and co-workers came, too, murmuring words of encouragement to my unconscious form, sitting with Natalie in the waiting room, asking questions of the medical staff.  As hours and then days passed, though, the mood shifted from concern to palpable alarm.  They didn’t even know what precisely they were fighting; the results of a culture to determine what bacteria had attacked my system had not yet come back.

Then, mid-morning on Thursday, five days since my admission, my attending physician found Natalie in the ICU waiting room.  Preparing to call Andy, he instead wasted no time in addressing the next legal authority listed on my intake form.

“Your mom is very ill,” the doctor said, taking a seat beside her.  “We need to move her to Evanston,” he went on, referring to a larger, teaching hospital about 40 minutes away.  “And we need to do it right now.”

Days later, I learned that he anticipated a “last resort” treatment called an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, which would essentially bypass my lungs, and use a pump to circulate blood through an artificial lung back into my bloodstream.  It was a procedure my local hospital was unequipped to perform, and the window of opportunity was narrowing fast; they feared I may soon be too unstable to move.

“We need your permission to transfer her,” the doctor stated.  “But there are substantial risks in moving her.”

Stunned, Natalie stared at him for a moment, then asked, “What are the risks?”

The doctor spared nothing in his response.

“She may not make it to Evanston.  She may stop breathing in the ambulance, and we’ll be unable to revive her.”

I will forever regret that my daughter had to hear those words, to endure that trauma, and assume a responsibility so grave.  No child, even a 28-year-old adult, should have to.  I have envisioned that moment countless times since, and the horror of it has not diminished.

My daughter is remarkable, though, strong and resilient, and immediately gave the necessary consent.  Fortuitously, my close friend Marla arrived minutes later, embracing Natalie as she related the latest news.  By the time Andy reached Highland Park soon after, his 90-year-old mother had also arrived, and was holding Nat’s hand as they both cried softly, my mother-in-law’s tears allowing her granddaughter to finally shed her own.

It took three agonizing hours for the medical staff to prepare for my transfer, disconnecting me from numerous IV lines, alarms and monitors.  Apparently my condition was so tenuous that even the shift from hospital bed to ambulance gurney was dicey.  Finally, though, I was on my cautious way: no lights, no sirens, the risk of an accident with such fragile cargo outweighing the urgency of transporting me quickly.

A fierce band of friends and family converged on Evanston Hospital as word of my move spread, via calls, texts and voice mails.  Marla followed from Highland Park, where she’d spent part of every day that week, as had my friend and co-worker, Janice.  Natalie’s dad and step-mom, Jeff and Mary, dropped everything and drove from Wisconsin to lend their support.  Darren, my soon-to-be son-in-law, grabbed an Uber and rushed to Evanston, joining a vigil no one could have anticipated just days earlier.

And they waited.

Relieved and elated when I survived the trip, they now hoped to avoid the ECMO procedure, an invasive surgery offering no guarantee of success.

Nearing 7 p.m., a resident delivered the first piece of good news in days: my carbon dioxide level had dropped to 70, based on the blood draw taken upon my arrival.  By the time Andy left for home at 11 o’clock that evening, it had dropped further, to 53 on two separate draws.  The ECMO procedure was no longer indicated.

For the first time since Sunday I had started to improve.


I remained in an induced coma for four more days, to allow me to heal and the antibiotics to work on what they now knew was the Legionella bacteria, which had caused massive pneumonia in both my lungs.  I’m told we’ll probably never know how I contracted such a rare, waterborne bacteria, most famous for the dozens of illnesses and two deaths it caused at the American Legion convention in Philadelphia in 1976.  While the serious flu I’d suffered a month and a half earlier had probably weakened my immune system, my county’s department of public health agent conceded that the origin of Legionella infection often remains unknown.

What everyone agreed on, however, is that it quite possibly could have killed me.

Nine days after my initial call for paramedics, Andy and Natalie were called to the hospital to provide familiar faces as they pulled me from the coma.  Unfortunately, I’d spent the week I’d been sedated in a maze of discordant, menacing hallucinations, which I still vividly recall when I allow myself to remember.  I woke confused, sullen, in pain, believing my husband and daughter had conspired to trap me in that frightening netherworld, that they were somehow responsible for a ghastly experience I didn’t understand.  Learning that this reaction is not uncommon doesn’t fully alleviate my shame at the initial distrust and anger I felt toward two of the people who love me most.

I was forgiven, though.  It took days for me to fully appreciate the impact my illness had had on those who love me, how close they came to losing me.  As awful as those first days of recovery were, I had missed the worst of it.  Seeing my face in a mirror several days after I awoke, I hardly recognized myself: gaunt, haunted, my hands too weak to hold a cup of water.  I’d lost 16 pounds, and couldn’t walk unassisted for nearly a week.  When I came home after 15 days, including three in the rehab unit, I needed a caregiver for several days.  Soon, though, I felt strong enough to navigate my home, albeit slowly, on my own during the daytime hours while Andy was at work.  Almost immediately I began physical therapy to reclaim the muscle tone I’d lost, and have gradually found my strength.  Three months later I still tire quickly, and am working abbreviated days for now.  It will take six months or more, my internist warns, to truly feel whole again.


I’d love to report that this ordeal was life-altering, a revelatory event of directional clarity, elevating me to a place of serenity and gratitude.  And I am grateful.  Of course I am.  It still stuns me that I actually could have died, that Legionnaires’ disease can easily be fatal.

But Hallmark moments don’t often happen in real life, in my life, at least.  Or perhaps I’m too jaded now to appreciate them.  My friends know I’m not a fan of platitudes, to which all special needs parents are subjected, again and again.  “Everything happens for a reason,” or “There are no mistakes in God’s world” come distastefully to mind.  Yet one of the cards Mary sent brought me to tears with its profound simplicity, precisely what I needed then to hear: “Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Repeat.”

In these weeks of recuperation I’ve come to understand a few things.  I’ve been a caregiver for years, imperfectly, stumbling, but with my son’s profound needs ever-weighing on my soul.  I recognize now that I’ve never truly learned to “self-care,” as we women are instructed to do.  How easily I’ve become mired again in minutia, the worry and entanglements that are part and parcel of life.  I haven’t even been consistent in writing an hour a day.

Sometimes I long for those first, tremulous weeks back home, safely cocooned in the blanket of recovery, my weaknesses indulged, nothing expected of me but to care for myself.

To learn how to breathe again.

To be well.

But the price for such escape is too high.

And I hold tightly to the countless moments of grace I experienced amid the pain and disquiet of this illness.  These are gifts I won’t forget.

The innumerable ways my friends nurtured my husband and daughter during the most frightening time of their lives.  My friend Kary’s gentle, undemanding support, soliciting the prayers of so many while still guarding our privacy.  My husband’s partner shouldering the burden of their business so Andy could focus on me, while his wife brought meals to the hospital to ensure that he was eating.  My daughter’s friends, who walked her dog while she was at the hospital, left her protein bars, and flowers, and notes of encouragement; her fiancé, Darren, who was her rock when her world was crumbling.

Janice, filling our fridge with food; her many texts of encouragement to Natalie, Andy, and me, even as she prepared to move cross country; my co-workers’s willingness to assume my duties for weeks on end, without question, complaint or resentment.  The dozens of cards, flowers, and gifts that arrived daily; the meals prepared and delivered.  My children’s dad and stepmom’s love, reminding me how fortunate we are to share an unbreakable bond; their extra visits to Daniel so he wouldn’t feel my absence as strongly.

Marla using her medical knowledge as envoy between the hospital staff and my family; her daily texts and calls to my brother and sister-in-law in Tennessee, keeping them informed as they worried and prayed, miles away; the lunches and company she offered those first days home, filling in gaps in the story, my understanding of what had happened to me; shuttling me to my first haircut when I was still too shaky to drive.

Andy’s resolve to stay confident, and positive, and strong, despite the dread that nearly consumed him; his visits, morning and evening, as I recovered, himself exhausted from work and the insistent barrage of calls and texts seeking updates on my condition.  His patient calm as I came back to this world, his assurances that everything, everything, would be all right.  His admission, voice breaking, that he feared he would lose me.  That he didn’t know how he would survive if I did not.

And Natalie, my shining star, who was there for me every single day, who tacked photos of the people I treasure on the wall in front of my bed as I lay unconscious, believing that, somehow, I would sense how deeply I was loved, how much I had to come back to.  Who ran interference with family and friends through countless texts and calls, who held it together like a warrior even as she was breaking inside.  My daughter, the only one to understand my whispers those first bewildering days, my voice frail and rasping from the ventilator; who massaged my hands and forearms, covered with bruises from wrist to elbow, using lotion she’d remembered to bring from home; who traipsed and fetched and advocated, who protected me, who fed me like a child when I was too weak to feed myself.


Two weeks after I got home Andy took me up to Wisconsin to see Daniel, my first visit in a month and a half.  On the way he recounted the stats of my illness as it had progressed, the first glimmers of hope when hope was yet a rare commodity.  He provided a timeline, a picture of how dire my illness had been.

We wondered together what caused my turn-around just hours after arriving at Evanston Hospital.  Had the antibiotics finally kicked in?  Was my body rested enough now to fight back?  Was it simply coincidence?

Andy didn’t think so.

“I think it was Natalie,” he told me.  “Her message to you as they bundled you into the ambulance.”

I don’t remember hearing it, consciously, with my ears.  My heart, though, heard it loud and clear.

“You’ve got to make it, Mom,” she whispered urgently, her face bent close to mine.  “You’ve got to get it together now.  You have to be there, at my wedding.  I can’t do it without you.”

A month from now Natalie and Darren are getting married.  And I will be there for her.

I will be there.

Cracks in the Sidewalk

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One of the appealing features of the neighborhood where my first husband and I bought our home was the sidewalk encircling the whole block.  It was a common gathering place for residents, and an ideal circuit for walkers, runners or strollers.

As a young mother I made dozens of laps along the half-mile oval from my front door and back, pushing a stroller, pulling a wagon, or walking hand in hand with my children.  The sidewalk served as a natural boundary for the kids, too; Natalie, at least, learned to stay on the right side of the walk, clear of the street beyond.

When she was about six years old, I sat on my front steps as Natalie ran down that sidewalk, eager to reach her best friends, sisters who’d just come from their house across the street.  I watched as my happy daughter suddenly tripped on a crack and sprawled face first on the concrete, landing, fortuitously, at the feet of our dentist, the neighbor girls’ father, Lenny.

It looked worse than it was.  No broken teeth, no split lip, not even a bitten tongue.  Just a scrape and a scare, tears quickly soothed in my genial, even-tempered daughter.  An unexpected mishap, soon forgotten, one of countless more to come over the course of her childhood.

For years after my son’s diagnosis I desperately craved a road map, some clue to what was coming next.  I don’t know if I feel that way any more.  Would I have had the courage to continue, to face all that lay ahead, if I knew how often, how painfully I would fall?

Years ago my daughter and I attended a “psychic” party hosted by Natalie’s stepmother, Mary.  With no strong views on clairvoyance going in, I came out a believer: with a glimpse of my palm, Deb discerned facets of my life she couldn’t possibly have known, but did: I was an insomniac, a fledgling writer; I had another child, who did not speak, and had recently lost my father.  It was uncanny.

We visited Deb several times in the ensuing years.  She was so frequently on target that I trusted her gift, although, perhaps heedlessly, never actually based life decisions on her insights.  It was all just in fun.

Two months ago Natalie and a few girlfriends scheduled readings with Deb, and drove from Lincoln Park to Downer’s Grove on a Wednesday evening during a heavy snowstorm.  Although she’d just turned 25, I couldn’t help worrying, and sent Natalie a text about eight p.m. to make sure they weren’t stranded in a snowbank.

Undoubtedly it would have been better for both of us had I not done so.  Our texting went pretty much like this:

“Andy says driving is awful so let me know when you guys get home, OK? xo”

“I will.  Anita is finishing her reading and then Ari still has hers so it’ll be a while before we leave”

“Have you had yours?”



“All positive… She sees a big move for me though in 6 months so start preparing yourself”



“A geographic move???” …. “Andy says ‘Maybe she’s moving back home’”

“Hahahahahahaha. Yes a geographic move.”

“Noooooooooooo! (wailing emoji face)  You can’t leave me! (wailing emoji)  Omg my life is over”

“She said you would react that way…”

“Screw that shit!”

“Oh calm down.”

“What about your work??  Your licensing???  Omg”

“Ok, you’re ruining the fun, please stop”

“Where are you going??  I’m coming with you”

“I shouldn’t have said anything to you”

(Forty-five minute break while I attempted to compose myself)

“Well still let me know when you get home please”

“I will, we’re finally heading back now”

(One hour later): “Made it safely home alive”

“Good!  Thanks for letting me know. xo”


Yeah, I know.

Overreactive.  Needy.  Profane, to boot.

In the weeks since that exchange, I’ve struggled to understand my response, my utter panic at the thought of Natalie leaving the Chicago area, the seismic shift in our relationship I’ve allowed myself to imagine such a move would provoke.  My husband suggests that the changing relationship with my son makes me more sensitive to any threat to my role in Natalie’s life.

But it’s more than that.  Daniel’s disability has influenced our lives and our relationship immeasurably, but my bond with Natalie is unique.  My relationship with my daughter is one of the foundations of my life.  Losing her would be unbearable.

My mind leaps to such extremes, to all or nothing scenarios.  I imagine her taking a job on another coast, building a separate life, starting a family I’ll scarcely know.  I’ll be a part-time character in the cast of her world, cramming into rushed visits the intimacies we now routinely share.  She’ll become a whole new person as I watch, wistfully, from the sidelines.  Just as millions of moms do every day.

I don’t want to be one of those moms.

I want my daughter, near at hand, coming here on her day off to do laundry, stock up on paper towels, and store sweaters in my attic when the weather turns warm.  I want to go to Macy’s together and buy her a lipstick, to witness her reaction as she sorts through her Easter basket and finds the “Instant Weirdo Glasses” I’ve tucked inside.  I want to be a quick drive away if she gets ill, to be the one she calls when her apartment loses power for the first time.  I want to join her and Andy at the dining room table as she completes her first grown-up tax return, to trade scornful commentary while watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.  I want to share salads at Panera, face to face, as she describes the young man she’s dating now, her friendships, the challenges and rewards of her new career.

For years I longed to know what lies ahead.  But if what’s ahead is the loss of one ounce of what I have with my daughter, I don’t want to know.

Of course I’m not alone in these fears, the gnawing uncertainty of what life has in store.  Doubt is normal, trust in a benevolent future hard to maintain in a world so often unkind.  I miss the unguarded trust I once held, though, during the happiest days of my life: drifting along that tree-lined sidewalk with my perfect baby daughter, rich with the fullness of my world, the profound good fortune I knew, even then, I’d done nothing to earn.  When autism threw a wrench in that trust, I never fully recovered.

The future is ripe with possibility now, especially in relation to my daughter.  She is thriving and maturing and finding her own way, the very circumstances for which I’ve been hoping to lay the groundwork for years.  Since the day she was born I’ve believed that my most essential role is to help her find her own path, yet I’m afraid to succeed if it means losing a part of her.  I want her to stay with me, right here, on my side of the sidewalk.

I remember another moment on that sidewalk, when three-year-old Natalie ran toward me, laughing with joy.  Her dress billowed behind her as her bare feet slapped the pavement with quick, confident steps, her smile clear and open and sure as she came to me, and I understood then: You will never forget this moment, Kristen.  You’ll always have this moment in time.

I’m glad you aren’t afraid to run, beautiful girl.  The cracks in the sidewalk are no match for you.

And they’re no match for my love for you, the bond sealing your heart to mine.

That bond is strong enough to stretch around the world and back.


A Girl Like You

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As a teenager my daughter claimed an aversion to alarm clocks.  Although perfectly capable of getting up on her own, she maintained that the raucous jolt of an alarm set a negative tone for her whole day.  She begged me to wake her personally.

Being a loving mother I obliged, devising a wake-up formula just for her.

She really would have fared better with an alarm clock.

Barging into her bedroom each morning, I’d launch into one of several inane monologues, which all shared a unifying theme.

“Girls like you,” I’d bellow, “you want to sleep late in the morning.  But your moms won’t let you.”  Or, “Girls like you, you think because you’re 16 you can get up when you want.  Forget that!”  And occasionally, “Girls like you, you wish your moms would go back where they came from.  But they’re not gonna.”

Why I fastened on the phrase “girls like you” is a mystery hardly worth probing.  Perhaps an old boyfriend’s frequent muttering of a song refrain that’s stuck in my head since the mid-eighties — “Girls like you always like my style” — was the genesis of the whole thing.

Whatever its source, the “girls like you” drill became entrenched, despite Natalie’s pleas for me to “Stop!” as she pulled the duvet over her head and rolled to face the wall.

For good measure I’d confirm that she wouldn’t go back to sleep when I returned downstairs. “Can I really trust you to get up?” (shortened over time to “Can you be trusted?”)  I’d wait by the door for her aggrieved but unfailing response: “Yes!  I can be trusted!”

Sounds silly, doesn’t it?  Yet it is one of my fondest memories, a pattern woven into the fabric of our lives together, as my daughter grew from a child into the young woman she is now, ready to start the next chapter in her life.

A week from now she’ll receive a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Northwestern University.  My pride in her as one of the top students in her class is matched only by my certainty that she will make a positive mark on the world.

Do you remember those mornings, too, Natalie?  Did you take comfort in a ritual that was ours alone?  Sometimes I allow myself to believe that it was all a front, that your alarm clock phobia was simply a reason to feel me close as you began each day, bracing for whatever challenges adolescence threw your way, strengthened by the knowledge that I was in your corner.

I hope that was part of it, that you recognized that my love for you will transcend whatever unfolds, and you know that wherever life takes you now, I will always be behind you.

If only the act of waking you each morning could truly have shielded you, magically softened the experiences I never wanted you to know, the losses and heartbreak I’d give anything to have removed from your path.  I wish your passage to adulthood had been gentler, untouched by divorce and the sudden deaths of friends, the loss of my parents when you hadn’t yet fully known them, the profound upheaval of the family your father and I had imagined for you before autism changed our lives.

If love was all it took, your life would have unfolded as effortlessly as I’d dreamed it would when you were a little girl, running barefoot down the sidewalk in a flowered dress on a summer evening, laughing with the unfettered delight that was uniquely yours.  I wish I could have captured that moment for you, and made it last forever.

But that wasn’t necessary, after all, for you to become the remarkable young woman you are today.  There is something magic in you that did the job on its own.

Do you remember when I started calling you my shining star?  That’s all right; I can’t remember, either.  It has simply always been so.  You are the daughter every parent hopes for: smart and kind, engaging and beautiful and naturally, genuinely good.  A leader who accepts responsibility even when you doubt your abilities, a friend who can be counted upon, a sibling to a boy who has been blessed beyond measure to have you in his corner.

Even as his disability altered your life so dramatically, as his needs so often eclipsed your own, you embraced him, loving him even when he didn’t express that love in return.  You’ve never stopped trying to reach him, to convey your devotion in a way he will understand.  And there is no doubt in my mind that he does understand.  The strength of your love broke through.

You’re probably reading this and crying “Stop!” as you did all those mornings when I jarred you annoyingly from sleep.  Don’t worry.  I’m not claiming that you excelled at everything.  Piano lessons, for example, come to mind.

What sets you apart is your willingness to try, to test yourself, your commitment to see things through without giving up.  You’ve gone forward even when you felt like quitting, and have inspired me to do the same.  You have forged the painful chapters of your life into something meaningful, something hopeful and positive and worthwhile.

Stop rolling your eyes; it’s not just your mom saying these things.  Remember what your teachers have told you for the last two years: you are incredibly smart, gifted and compassionate; you have what it takes to be an excellent, effective therapist; and most important of all: you have a good soul.

Looking back now, I realize I had it wrong all those mornings with my “girls like you” routine.  There is no one else in the world like you, beautiful Natalie.  A girl like you is one of a kind.

My aim as your mother has always been to give you and Daniel what each of you needs, in spite of your vastly different abilities.  I prayed that I would not let your brother’s disability cripple me, so that in turn I crippled you; that I would not hold you back through my own grief and self-doubt, that my longing to protect you as recompense for autism’s impact would not hinder your own confidence and initiative.

I don’t know if I succeeded.  I pray you will forgive me for all I’ve done wrong.  But it doesn’t really matter if I succeeded or not. Because you have.

Your success is demonstrated in the way you are living right now, as I write this, with details still uncertain, as you are waiting to see what lies just beyond your sight.  And waiting for what is yet to be revealed is one of the hardest things in the world to endure.

But you are doing it, my beautiful girl.  You keep moving forward, strong enough to confess your fears even as you take the next step, and the next after that.  You remind me of your grandfather, who knew the only way through it is through it, who put one foot in front of the other until he reached where he aimed to go.  He is smiling down on you now, sweet Natalie.  He is so incredibly proud of you, as am I.

Each day I marvel anew at the woman you have become, standing on the threshold of independence and all the wonder the world has in store.  I know you will never give up until you have found your true place, the place you are meant to be.  And you will make that place better than it was before.  This is one thing I know for sure.

You can be trusted.